
How to Apply for Tottenham Hotspur Academy Scholarships

Welcome to the world of football academy domain, I am going to show you How To Apply for Tottenham Hotspur Academy Scholarships” Then, study Tottenham Academic Development Center, how to pass, the Tottenham Academy Trial, Entry requirements for the Tottenham Spur Academy Scholarship, etc.

Introduction to the Academy Scholarship

Are you a good footballer? Do you feel you have what it takes to be a successful footballer? Are you within the age of 23 years? Then, I think the opportunity of Tottenham Hotspur Football Youth Academy is for you. This will guide you on how to join Tottenham Youth Academy. Here, we groom young prospective footballers. After scaling through the appropriate processes, we got the qualification to be in the Category One Rank. A lot is being put in place to ensure high productivity of the players. This ranges from observation, selection, coaching and build up of almost 205 prospective lads.

What Is Our Goal?

This academy puts in all its resources to stand out as one of the best football clubs in the world. Also, to be a strong home that devices the best form for grooming young players. So that, from their playing style, people will see them as ambassadors of the Tottenham Hotspur Academy.

What Do We Hope To Actualize?

How to join Tottenham Youth Academy is what has been on the minds of young players. The Tottenham Hotspur Football Academy hopes to actualize a couple of missions. First of all, to establish itself in a way that is conducive and beneficial to incoming young players. This psychologically develops them for the task ahead. More so, to groom and build up players that will feature in the club’s first team squad. Definitely, every young player will want to have the honor of wearing the first jersey.

However, not everyone will make it to the first team squad. But, the academy takes it upon themselves to ensure that, those who didn’t make it to the first team, still becomes successful.

One good thing about being in the academy as a player is the ability to attend school and still pursue your football dream. The Academy oversees the schooling of these players, by placing them on scholarship schemes.

Also, the academy maps out times for training and other football activities that will be favorable for both the club and players. With this, the players don’t feel any form of pressure to meet up with either school or the foundation practices.

In the same vein, with the academy’s education programme, the players can still explore their private life. As the programme isn’t strict and rigid, the players can balance their academic life and career life. This is achievable through direct and indirect forms, in custom to the club’s way of operation. The Tottenham Football Academy upholds peaceful co-existence amongst players. In the same vein, promoting every form of virtuous act in the academy.

To effectively build up the players, a couple of football games and tournaments are set aside for Academy squad to play in. For instance, the Premier League, National and European tournaments are the most prestigious ones.

Recruitment Forms In The Academy

How does this work?

The academy has workers whose work is to go in search of prospective young player. We know them as “scouts”. Their target age group are players within the age of 7-16 years. The chances of player who are older than this to get a chance, is slim. Next up, is to honor the invitation of the Academy’s Recruitment Sector. Here, they will run series of accessment and interviews. However, if you qualify, then you proceed to the next phase.

What are the requirements to have a trial?

When on asks how to join Tottenham Youth Academy, we tend to be skeptical with our answer. Before we send out our scouts to go in search of young players, we already have a target. Therefore, we don’t operate an open trial. However, there are due processes if you wish to obtain a trial. You can write a message of invitation to us to come and watch you in your local club or school. Most importantly, the details in the message must constructive. It must contain the matches to be played, the venue and when the matches start.

It is also necessary to give a full detail of yourself and football experience. If you got a referral from someone or somewhere, you can as well get a letter from that source. It will go a long way to aid the letter gain acceptance. However, there are exceptions to who the academy offers trial. Out of all the exceptions, the most important is to have a European Passport to be eligible.

What is the possibility of knowing an observing scout?

Similarly to the question of how to join Tottenham Youth Academy is How do we know that a scout is observing?. The only possibility of you knowing, is if we inform your school or local club of our visit. Asides that, the possibility is slim. However, we don’t feel it’s ideal to inform the players of our arrival. This is because it will either influence their playing style negatively or positively. So, we always choose to appear neutral and in some cases, disguise. Upon spotting as prospective player, we head over to the coach or manager for further discussion.

During scouting, what are the distinguishing factors you seek?

When it comes to the qualities we look out in a young player, there are quite a number of them. But the predominant one is “Talent”. Every other qualities like endurance, pace, strength, etc are secondary. Similarly, we carry out a thorough accessment of the person. This accessment will be base of physical, tactical, psychological features amongst others. After that, we consider age and maturity. This includes how well the player can adapt in the football Academy. At this point, the scouts may now decide to make a review to determine who has a better performance; the new ones or those already in the Academy.

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In a situation where one haven’t gotten a trial, what does one do?

One needs to keep trying and not back down. A lot of young players seek to join the football Academy. The tussle for the spot is high. So, one have to show determination and keep reaching out to club academies. Also, scaling your local league gives you an upper hand. It places you in a position where your chances of getting a trial are high. Above all, let it be that you are playing for the passion of football and not for the recognition. This way, much pressure won’t be on you. Before thinking of how to join Tottenham Youth Academy, you have to build yourself in all ramifications.

To reach out to us, please email your information to academy.trials@tottenhamhotspur.com

Victim Of False Trail Adverts

Consistently, we observe cases of wrong and false adverts of us holding trials. Some football companies guilty of this offense is Go Pro’ and ‘Tony’s Soccer School’. This companies keep putting out false statements of the club organizing a trial section. Absolutely, this is wrong and club disputes this fact. Always remember that the Tottenham Hotspur Football Academy doesn’t hold open trials. You can report to an appropriate authority is you notice this.

The Youth Development System Of The Academy

Tottenham Hotspur Football Club Academy is a base, where world football stars emanate from. It is a reformation ground for young prospective footballers within the age of 23 years. The Academy is currently on the Category one platform.

The Academy’s Mission

The Tottenham Hotspur Football Academy hopes to actualize a couple of missions. First of all, to establish itself in a way that is conducive and beneficial to incoming young players. This psychologically develops them for the task ahead. More so, to groom and build up players that will feature in the club’s first team squad. Definitely, every young player will want to have the honor of wearing the first jersey.

One good thing about being in the academy as a player is the ability to attend school and still pursue your football dream. The Academy oversees the schooling of these players, by placing them on scholarship schemes.

However, not everyone will make it to the first team squad. But, the academy takes it upon themselves to ensure that, those who didn’t make it to the first team, still becomes successful.

To effectively build up the players, a couple of football games and tournaments are set aside for Academy squad to play in. For instance, the Premier League, National and European tournaments are the most prestigious ones.

The Academy’s Development Centers

With the goal of bringing up young football players, the Tottenham Hotspur Academy has set up some centers to groom this lads. Their age limit is 10 years and below.

The idea of the development centers, is to give the boys, the liberty to express their talent and character without fear or favour. Apparently, they will learn to co-habit with other young boys, showing discipline at the peak level.

Idea Governing The Development Centers.

It is quite obvious that, this boys are young. Therefore, the require the best guidance they can get. So, here in the development centers, coaches and workers with high experience are always available. Their job is to bring out the best quality in this boys, while instilling discipline in them. Subsequently, as they develop, they will scale through in professional football.

Operation Of Development Centers

The club doesn’t situate their Development Centers far from their main ground. This is to enable easy and quick access. Also, the club employ FA coaches with high experience to lead them on different sessions. Most of the sessions are in the evening and doesn’t take much time. The boys with invitation must show up on time, with the parents or guardian. Also, they must dress properly.

Tottenham Hotspur Stadium

This is the home of Tottenham Hotspur. Initially, the home stadium of Tottenham Hotspur was the White Hart Lane. We shall look at some qualities of the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium. Firstly, it is situated in North London with a seating capacity of 62,850. It ranks among the largest stadiums both in England and London. They design was made in an aesthetic way. Such that it can serve for various purposes. Northumberland Development Project is the idea behind the erection of the stadium.

Its plan was to bring a new revolution to the Tottenham Stadium. Between the year 2007-2008, this development project had made a plan of what they want to actualize. However, this plan didn’t pull through immediately. This was because, it came across many challenges. So, they had to place it on hold until 2015.

In 3rd of April 2019, the stadium was already set for use. So, the club held an opening ceremony before they played their first premier league game there. There is an ongoing quest to rename the stadium. Up till now, it still bears “Totthenham Hotspur Stadium”. On the other hand, some people still call it “New White Hart Lane”.

Club’s Background

If you wish to know how to join Tottenham Youth Academy, at least you need to know their background. This is about the brief history of the club. In 1882, was the birth year of Tottenham Hotspur. Then, the club hasn’t built its official stadium. Due to the interesting nature of their matches, the spectators began to rise. The club had to make alternative decision to curb the number of spectators. The Asplins Farm was the alternative ground for the matches. Consequently, this didn’t help, as the number kept growing. What can the club do next? In 1899 was the year, the club begot the White Hart Lane ground. A land was under the ownership of a brewery company “Charringtons”.

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With time, the club kept developing in all levels. The got more lands and enlarged their coast. But, around 1909, Archibald Leitch made a design of a new stadium for the club. It definitely took time, around 15 years to complete. Then, the seating capacity was at 80,000. As the club made a renovation on the seating arrangement, there was a significant reduction on the capacity. Above all, the stadium still had its stand and “The Shelf”.

The home stadium of the club then, was renovated to have a full seating setting. This was around the early 80’s and in conformation to the directive of Taylor’s Report. The capacity went down again to about 36,000 in capacity. In comparison to other clubs stadium capacity, it was relatively low.

The club then, didn’t really have a source of revenue. It was basically money from selling of tickets. But subsequently, they got TV right deals and sponsorship. At that point, the club saw the need to expand their capacity. That way, they can stand shoulder to shoulder with any opposing club in terms of finance.

The club owners kept looking for a way to make the stadium outstanding. The had to map out a plan to still rebuild the East Stand and relocating stadiums. Some of the proposed stadiums were Pickets Lock and Olympic Stadium. Their plan to renovate the current Stadium was the only successful plans. That is was stood as the Northumberland Development Project. Other plans didn’t pull through.

The Road To Redevelopment

In the past 15 years, there has been consistent deliberation in the club. This is in relation to upgrading and restructuring of the present ground. The club also made a couple of revelations. For instance, the purchasing of Wingate Trading Estate and the declaration of the Northumberland Development Project. In this project, there was a proposal to erect a new stadium, a club museum an other structures.

The club hoped to begin the use of the stadium even though it was completed yet. With the 2012-13 season just kicking off, it won’t be bad to begin the season there. Due to some hindrances, the plan didn’t go through. It was also at that period, the club lost the bid for the Olympic Stadium to West Ham United. A couple of other activities went on. For example, the submission of the 58,000 and 56,000 capacity project in 2009. The project of the 56,000 seating capacity, designed by KSS Design Group was questioned by the appropriate authorities. This was because, it had the demolition of approximately 10 buildings. As a result, the design group had to draft a new accomodating proposal.

After series of scrutiny, the Haringey Council, Mayor of London and the government had to accept it. Statistically, only one project off the proposal came to fulfilment. At some point in 2011, the decision of the Haringey Council led to a riot. Those in the riot didn’t like some decisions the council took. However, the council made an approval a go ahead order for the project. It also scraped out the payment for community infrastructure. In the same vein, Tottenham made a declaration to remain North Tottenham to improve the state of the place. It hoped to achieve this with the assistance of the Northumberland Development Project.

The Haringey Council took some constructive steps to aid Totthenham Hotspur achieve its aim. It made some approvals and asset transfers to this effect. Also, the council did grant the club the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO). This development caused a little rift and disagreement as some didn’t want to sell off their lands. But after a while, the club was able to buy the land at Paxton road.

The goal in the heart of the club to achieve was to erect a multipurpose stadium. In this stadium, the American NFL games can take place. This was under an agreement and a partnership deal. In the same vein, the club brought a new design team. They made a new proposal which got the approval of the bodies incharge. Surprisingly, it had the destruction of local buildings.

The Building Work

The commencement of the plan took place in the ending of the year 2012. But the actual erection of the stadium didn’t proceed immediately. The club needed to resolve thr issue of the CPO first. Around 2015, the construction work took off. The initial stadium was still active while the construction of the new work was on. As the work is into 2 sections, they destroyed it during the second section. Meanwhile, the 2 sections comprises of the North and South stand. A lot of structures were brought down during this redevelopment. The building of the stadium’s basement also took place after the CPO resolution.

Most importantly, the complete approval of the plan is essential to commence work. After obtaining it, the main work on the stadium took off. They construction company took down the northeast side of the White Hart Lane to enable the effective building of the north side. It also made use of solid and standard materials to perform most of the construction work. Also, the design was spectacular. They made it in such a way that it could accommodate the spectators and give them comfort.

The construction team was only waiting for the last season game to completely pull down White Hart Lane. Then, the complete construction was set to begin. But, by then a large portion of the phase 1 construction was already complete. They made use of concrete and steel to build the South stand. Also, it had the two steel tress that stood as a support to the south stand. Similarly, they brought to conclusion, the erection of the roof and the completion of the compression ring. One the other hand, in the second phase, the piling work was the first work to do.

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After the demolition of the White Hart Lane, the materials were still useful in the construction of the new stadium. For instance, the concrete remains, in addition to the fresh ones, were useful in building the stadium floor. Similarly, the East Stand bricks got useful for the Shelf bar. The general decorations were aesthetic. Finally, a lot of other works were done to establish the stadium.

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The Launching

After the completion of the stadium, the club cannot begin to use it immediately. The stadium has to pass through series of examination to ascertain its safety level. As a result, four test sections were set up by club. These events were to hold in August and September 2018.

From the way the club made the plan, only club staff and officials will attend the first two events. Then, the last two will be for 2 games with spectators. Due to electrical issues, the safety systems couldn’t function properly. So, the two games couldn’t hold. The club had to use another fan event to replace it. However, the first game later took place in March, 2019.

The Tottenham Hotspur’s under-18 football team won the game over Southampton. Over 28,000 fans were in attendance. A remarkable moment was when J’Neil Bennett scored the first goal in the stadium. It was so magical. The second match saw the Tottenham legends face defeat against the Inter Milan’s legends. Also, over 41,000 people were in attendance.

A football match against Liverpool was supposed to be used for the stadium opening. But didn’t happen, due to some challenges. This made Tottenham to seek an alternative solution. Wembley Stadium served as the alternative stadium. One of the third round EFL Cup matches was also played there.

In terms of the American NFL games, it couldn’t hold in the stadium again. But, finally held in Wembley. It was a game between Oakland Raiders and Seattle Seahawks.

The launching of the stadium faced many challenges. It got frustrating that the club kept readjusting the launch date. But this didn’t last for long as the stadium witnessed its first senior game after its launch in 2019. It was a Premier league match which saw Tottenham Hotspur beat Crystal Palace 2 goals to Nil. Special congrats to Son Heungmin net the first goal.

Application For Entry

This could be a way on how to join Tottenham Youth Academy. A lot of people wants to be part of the Tottenham Hotspur family. However, individual with such interest must present an application to the Harris Sixth Form. Meanwhile, there are certain requirements to attain eligibility. In recent times, the applicants must fill up the required entrance papers and scale through in them. Some of them are :

  • English – for essay-writing subjects and Biology
  • Maths – for Maths, ICT, Computing, Economics and Sciences
  • Science – for Sciences, Social Sciences, CTEC Sport, Business and Economics

The examination date for those that had late application will be in August. Failure to turn up for it, means loss of the opportunity.

However, I hope you now understand how to join Tottenham Youth Academy.

Apply Here Tottenham Hotspur Football Youth Academy

1 thought on “How to Apply for Tottenham Hotspur Academy Scholarships”

  1. Hi Spurs thank you for this opportunity my name is temesgen zeleke sometimes friends call me Neymar Jr and my dream is becoming a pro footballer in this time I’m play in U17 local team position is LW RW and attacking midifielder but there is many challenges to live my dream like no football academy and lack of football facilities but I’m never give up on my dream work hard every day and apply this gift and I’m believe one day God makes my dream comes true finally asking you please 🙏 make my dream comes true and help me to join Spurs academy and I’m impressed you in my talent thank you for your helping call in this phone number+251939279218 connect in this name Facebook Instagram account


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